Upcoming Programs

There's so much that can happen when we journey together as a cohort. More courses and details are added to the schedule periodically. To be notified of new offerings, please sign up for the mailing list.



Liberating the Natural Breath. Available now.

This self-paced, in-depth course has been carefully designed to support people struggling with Chronic Breathing Tension and Air Hunger in coming home to their Natural Breathing. Available on demand to you now. Click here to learn more.


The Emergent Quest: A Soulcentric Purpose Journey
IN-PERSON. Next three-month journey to be announced.

How do we hear the mysterious call of what is wanting to emerge in our lives? What does it mean to live in service to one’s deepest calling and walk our authentic path in the world?

Read about the program here.

Emergent Quest Practice Group

Open to those who have completed an Emergent Quest program, this online group meets monthly to continue deepening our conversation with the ever-emerging vision that wants to live through us. This ongoing EQ group is a way for us to find nourishment, community, support, and celebration along the way as we continue walking our soulfully emerging paths.


Photo location: Atlantic Coast, Florida.