The Call Within: February 3 workshop at Living Arts Collective

I’m looking forward to leading this workshop at Durham’s splendid Living Arts Collective in early February. Details below.

The Call Within at Living Arts Collective, 410 W Geer St, Durham, NC
Sunday, February 3, 2pm-4:30pm
Cost: $25

This contemplative workshop welcomes people into a transformative relationship with inner material, drawing on depth psychology, the Alexander Technique, and Focusing—a mindfulness-based, somatic approach to psychological healing and development. By deepening our contact with what’s seeking to shift, emerge, or be known within, this work invites us into closer alignment with the core of who we are and with the growing embodiment of our gifts and authentic expression in the world. Through guided experiences, reflection, and discussion, we will engage with the core principles of these modalities, expanding our inner awareness as we encounter layers of ourselves that are ready to transform, heal, or come to life.

About the facilitator: Simon Spire’s transformative framework, Emergent Inquiry, invites people into a space in which shifts can happen. He brings to his facilitation years of exploration of self-inquiry, non-dual wisdom traditions, and meditative practices; the perspectives of post-conventional human development and depth psychology; and his long experience with artistry and the creative process. Simon holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Auckland; a master’s degree in psychology from Columbia University; is a Certified Trainer of Focusing, a mindfulness-based, somatic approach to psychological healing and development; has completed a yearlong soulcraft immersion and vision quest with Bill Plotkin and Animas Valley Institute; and is currently pursuing doctoral studies. He has been a director with organizations active in social entrepreneurship, leadership development, and mental health, and was led from his New Zealand homeland to the US by his career as a recording artist and songwriter.